Important Kettlebell Holding Positions


The kettlebell is a simple workout instrument that nevertheless provides multiple benefits for the body. It is shaped like a solid iron sphere with a lighter handle attached to one end. Due to its unique shape, the kettlebell can be held and moved in various ways; unlike traditional training tools.

As a trainer, you will learn all about the important ways you can hold the kettlebell during your kettlebell training at

The Two Handed Position

This is one of the first kettlebell holding positions you will learn while doing your kettlebell certifications. The kettlebell is an off-balance heavy instrument and it is best to begin by lifting it with both hands. You should also be careful about the weight you select in order to avoid injuries. This holding position is most commonly used for workouts such as the two handed swing or the two handed deadlift. Holding and moving the kettlebell with both hands is most suited to build your strength and flexibility before moving on to other holding positions.

The Single Handed Position

This is an extremely popular holding position and is used in fact for most kettlebell workouts. As is evident, in this position you hold the kettlebell and move it with just one hand. The single handed holding position is used in workouts such as the kettlebell row, variations of the single arm deadlift, high pulls, single arm swings or while placing the kettlebell in a racked position.

The single handed holding position strengthens your shoulder, forearms and core while helping you to perfect your grip.

Holding the Kettlebell by its Body

This is another holding position you will learn during your kettlebell courses. There are several workouts such as the two handed overhead press, variations or lunges and so on where it is most convenient to hold the kettlebell by its body at your chest level. In this position, the kettlebell is held with both your thumbs wrapping the handle while the rest of your fingers hold the body. However, you master your grip first as if you do not use the right grip, the heavy kettlebell can slide off your hands and hurt you.

The Goblet Holding Position

This is a unique holding position used during workouts such as the goblet squat and the kettlebell halo . In this position, the kettlebell is held by both hands only at the horns and can be quite strenuous on your wrists. This holding position is also great for improving and perfecting your grip.

The Racked Holding Position

This is one of the fundamental kettlebell holding positions you will learn as you progress with your kettlebell courses. In this position, you hold the kettlebell in one hand and place it comfortable against your chest at shoulder level. The arm holding the kettlebell stays tucked into your side, the wrist is kept straight and the shoulder is kept slightly down. Once you have mastered this, you should be able to hold the kettlebell in this position for long without getting fatigued. This position is used in several workouts such as the overhead press, the clean and variations of the lunge and squat. For more on kettlebell positions, check out Functional Fitness Courses