Hey, guess what? Today, Mike is here with me to teach you how to swing the mace. He’s way better at it than me. People always ask about the traditional gada in our gym. We talked about them on our podcast and how they’re super useful for training. The mace has been around forever and it’s really cool. Can Mike break it down? Is swinging the mace hard? Let’s find out!

Breaking Down the 360 Swing:
Let’s make it easier by taking it step by step. First, let’s talk about the grip. Hold the mace closer to feel comfy and balanced. Keep it close to your body.

Getting Comfortable with the Movement:
Watch Mike do a 360 swing. It looks cool, right? Now, how do you do it? Let’s start by getting comfy with different parts of the swing. Rest the mace bell on your chest, then over your shoulder. Arms straight, raise them up, and strike down. Stay stable, don’t twist your hips. Use your side muscles and stabilize. It feels like doing a wood chop exercise.

Keeping it Tight and Controlled:
Keep the mace close and tight. Imagine you’re in a hallway. Don’t let it go too far away or behind your head. It needs good shoulder moves!

Improving Shoulder Mobility:
To check your shoulder mobility, do the rock move. Lift your arms behind your head, bend your elbows, and rock left and right like a pendulum. Turn away from the mace for more challenge. It’s great for your core, sides, and shoulders!

Piecing it All Together:
Clubbell training is all about timing, if you’re too early or too late things could get messy. Rock left, right, left. Pull the mace over your shoulder and stabilize. Practice both ways, tight and controlled. Soon, you’ll do a full 360 swing!

Mace training is awesome! Hold it tight, get comfy, and move smoothly. Start light and get stronger. If you want more help, try our coaching program. Join now and become a mace master!

P.S. Want to get yourself a steel mace so you can get started? The steel macebells on Amazon are great value and where I recommend you start.